Thursday, February 26, 2009

Just Shoot Her With a Silver Bullet Already!!

Blood and Chocolate
By Annette Curtis Klause
Genre: Supernatural
c. 1997
pp. 264

-- Summary: Vivian Gandillon has a secret; she and her family are werewolves. When she begins to fall for Aiden, a human boy, she puts her secret and her whole pack in danger. Things get even worse for the pack when mangled bodies begin to show up around town. Can Vivian find a way to stay with Aiden and protect her pack even if she is behind the mysterious killings?

-- My Thoughts: To be perfectly honest, I didn't like this book at all. I felt there was only one scene which was well written. The character develpmont was weak and the characters were on more than one occasion unbelievable. I wasn’t convinced of Vivian’s feelings toward Aiden or vice versa. Also, the character of Gabriel, who is basically the head of the werewolf pack, was confusing. I thought I had him figured out but then at the very end, he seemed a lot kinder and capable of love than he did through the rest of the book where he was a jerk through and through. The idea wasn't bad (as you can see with the success of a book like Twilight), but I only found a few portions of the book engaging. There is also some sexual content that isn't explicit, but I didn't feel it was necessary. In this case it was just another turn off. The book has also been adapted as a movie, which I hear at least has a better ending. I'm a little curious to see it, but I'm afraid I will enjoy it just about as much as I enjoyed the book. Perhaps I will make another post in the future letting you know how that went :)

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