Wednesday, April 22, 2009

North & South

Last night, Megan and I had the pleasure of seeing the 2004 BBC adaptation of "North & South". Neither of us knew what it was. Megan had a heard of the author of the book, Elizabeth Gaskell, who was a contemporary of Dickens. The story, which takes four hours to tell and reminds me somewhat of Jane Austen, is about Margaret Hale who has to leave her home in the south for the industrial town of Milton to the north. Her family must adjust to a new kind of life, and mourn for the loss of their home and friends.

Through all the trials that they witness and endure, Margaret begins to adjust to her new life and soon makes friends with many of the mill workers while at the same time making enemies with Mr. Thornton, one of the owners of the mills. So of course we all know that he is going to be the love interest!!

I found a fan made trailer on youtube that will hopefully illustrate the awesomenes of this movie to you. Four hours is a long time, but it is definitely worth it!

Margaret is played by Daniela Darby-Ashe and Mr. Thornton is played by Richard Armitage.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Frankenstein Frankenstein
by Mary Shelley
pp. 352

Rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book starts out a little slow, but it is so good! Something interesting that I discovered the last time I read this book was the message it sends about becoming what society claims you to be. Dr. Frankenstein's creature originally desired nothing but basic physical needs and companionship, but he was so grotesque-looking that he was rejected and feared as a monster whenever he was seen. In time, he actually becomes this monster that everyone assumes him to be and seeks revenge on the doctor who abandoned him soon after giving him life. If you know anything about sociology or Howard Becker, labling theory comes to mind. If you call a person something long enough, odds are he will begin to see himself that way and will become whatever they have been labled as.

This novel is a little Phantom-of-the-Opera-ish in that there are moments when you feel so sorry for the monster, but there are also many times when you wish him dead.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Chewy Double Chocolate Chip Cookies

I just made the most delicious cookies. I was randomly craving double chocolate chip cookies, so I went to the most beloved and fortuitously found this recipe. DELICOUS. Some comments suggested going half and half on the white and brown sugars, but I used all white, and the cookies were heavenly. The dough is really thick, so when it says to fold in the chocolate chips, it means that in the most literal sense. My cookies weren't flattening in the oven, so I smashed them with a spoon when there were only a few minutes left to the baking time.

1 1/4 cups margarine
2 cups sugar
2 large eggs
2 tsp vanilla
2 cups flour
3/4 cup cocoa
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
2 cups chocolate chips

Cream together margaringe and sugar. Add eggs and vanilla. Blend in cocoa, baking soda, and salt. Add flour and fold in chocolate chips. Bake at 350° for 8-9 minutes.