Wednesday, April 22, 2009

North & South

Last night, Megan and I had the pleasure of seeing the 2004 BBC adaptation of "North & South". Neither of us knew what it was. Megan had a heard of the author of the book, Elizabeth Gaskell, who was a contemporary of Dickens. The story, which takes four hours to tell and reminds me somewhat of Jane Austen, is about Margaret Hale who has to leave her home in the south for the industrial town of Milton to the north. Her family must adjust to a new kind of life, and mourn for the loss of their home and friends.

Through all the trials that they witness and endure, Margaret begins to adjust to her new life and soon makes friends with many of the mill workers while at the same time making enemies with Mr. Thornton, one of the owners of the mills. So of course we all know that he is going to be the love interest!!

I found a fan made trailer on youtube that will hopefully illustrate the awesomenes of this movie to you. Four hours is a long time, but it is definitely worth it!

Margaret is played by Daniela Darby-Ashe and Mr. Thornton is played by Richard Armitage.


  1. Ok, so I HAVE to see that film now!!!!

  2. As an avid BBC fan, I don't know how I missed this movie when it came out. I just discovered it recently too. It is wonderful.

  3. Danielle, I haven't finished reading this yet, but I just have to tell you how ashamed of you I am! You spelled Austen with an i again!
